Wednesday, November 09, 2011


For Monday: All the grammar reference of unit 2
For Wednesday: writing p 28, a formal letter applying for one of the jobs in adverts 1 and 2, you choose the one you like the most of the two… No more than 200 words…

Pros and cons: the advantages and disadvantages of something.
The pros and cons of (doing) something
We discussed the pros and cons of going to university.
1 completely and in every way:
He made his reasons for resigning absolutely clear.
Are you absolutely sure?
This cake is absolutely delicious.
Nod past tense and past participle nodded, present participle nodding[intransitive and transitive]
1 to move your head up and down, especially in order to show agreement or understanding [↪ shake]:
I asked her if she was ready to go, and she nodded.
Mom nodded her head sympathetically.
1 able to talk easily and effectively about things, especially difficult subjects [≠ inarticulate]:
Bright, articulate 17-year-olds
A highly articulate speaker
P 28
savvy / ˈsævi/
Re‧lo‧cate [intransitive and transitive]
If a person or business relocates, or if they are relocated, they move to a different place
Career 1 /kəˈrɪr / || /kəˈrɪə(r)/
Reward 1 /rɪˈwɔːrd / || /rɪˈwɔːd/
Creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/
Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/
Guide 1 /ɡaɪd/
Pursuit /pərˈsuːt / ||/pəˈsjuːt/
Enthusiastic /ɪnˈθuːziˈæstɪk / ||/ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/
Appearance /əˈpɪrəns / || /əˈpɪərəns/
Mountain / ˈmaʊntnʲ / || / ˈmaʊntɪn/
Apply /əˈplaɪ/
Advertised / ˈædvərtaɪzd/ || / ˈædvətaɪzd/
Recent / ˈriːsnʲt/
Courteous / ˈkɜːrtiəs / || / ˈkɜːtiəs/

[countable] an increase in number, amount, or value[= increase; ≠ fall]
Rise in
We are expecting a sharp rise in interest rates.
An alarming rise in unemployment
There's been a rise in the number of arrests for drug offences.
Rise of
Profits went up to £24 million, a rise of 16%.
Rent/price rise
Tenants face a 20% rent rise.
[Countable] British English an increase in wages [= raiseAmerican English]
He's been promised a rise next year.
The railworkers were offered a 3% pay rise.

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