Thursday, April 12, 2018

NA2 12/4/18

Voluntered for you last year packing boxes
Working abroad, in different countries.
Difficult environments
The work
Sitting at a desk
The usual programmes, word, excel...
Help people in need
The world

spreadsheet /ˈspredʃiːt/ ●○○ noun [countable] 
1 a computer program that can show and calculate financial information
2 a document that contains rows and columns of numbers that can be used to calculate something

cope /kəʊp/ UK  US  verbo [intransitivo]
1 arreglárselas
I think I can cope.
Creo que me las puedo arreglar.
I can't cope any more.
No puedo más.
2 to cope with sth
 (a)  poder con algo, dar abasto con algo
Can you cope with all that?
¿Puedes con todo eso?

trek /trek/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo [intransitivo] (-kked, -kking)
1 caminar
2 to go trekking hacer trekking/senderismo


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