Thursday, April 05, 2018

NA2 5/4/18

Horn->ON A CAR [countable] the thing in a vehicle that you use to make a loud sound as a signal or warning
sound/toot/honk/blow your horn (=make a noise with your horn)

p. 100
he’s a deep sleeper
Tara, 42 and  Chris
Met where the street gets narrow and none of them wants to give way
A local politician
The police arrived and took them to questioning
You have to take what she sais with a pinch of salt, she normally takes things out of proportion.

take something with a pinch of salt
used to say that you should not always completely believe what a particular person says 
You have to take what he says with a pinch of salt.

He is not the type that spread gossip

blow something (up) out of (all) proportion
to make something seem much more serious or important than it is

Homework: ex. 3 and 4

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