Thursday, January 25, 2018

NI2 25/1/18

craft /krɑːft/ UK  US  
 (plural crafts) manualidad(es)

craft /krɑːft $ kræft/ ●●○ W3 noun 
1 (plural crafts) [countable] a job or activity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do → handicraft
- traditional rural crafts
- arts and crafts

DIY /ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/ noun [uncountable] British English 
(do-it-yourself) the activity of making or repairing things yourself instead of buying them or paying someone else to do it
• This, I fear, does involve specialist attention, and cannot normally be attempted by the average DIY man.

p. 117

ex. 8

Why are you so late?
How come you are so late?

• How come he's asked us to spend all this money and not them?
• How come I can't make her happy, how come she can't make me happy?
• How come Mrs Wall-Eye know my name?
• How come the sky is blue?
• How come the vast majority of the population appears to want to play make-believe?
• How come Tyler's still here?
• How come you got back so early?
• How come you never asked me what happened?
• Joey, how come you never sweet-talk me in person?

Santa Claus is make-believe
Ex. 11
Hanging around, go through, check in, set off, pour down, work out, got back, calm down.

Ex. 12
Set off, checked in, hang around, get back, calm down, went through, work out,

Take your umbrella, it’s pouring down.

Last night it poured down so the floor is wet and slippery.

soaked /səʊkt/ UK  US  adjetivo
empapado -a

soaking /ˈsəʊkɪŋ/, también soaking wet UK  US  adjetivo
empapado -a, calado -a hasta los huesos

I met my friends in a restaurant and we set off together.

Last night I got back home very late because my car had broken down.

NA2 25/1/18

tenant /ˈtenənt/ UK  US  sustantivo
inquilino -a

peasant /ˈpezənt/ UK  US  sustantivo
campesino -a

ˌbetter ˈoff adjective [no comparative] 
1 having more money than someone else or than you had before
OPP worse off
• I think you'd be better off if you just moved back to your mother's house for a while.
• Are you better off than you were four years ago?

What Is a Hypocaloric Diet?

Calories from your diet provide the energy your body needs to function. Eating more calories than you burn will cause your body to store the excess calories as fat. On the other hand, eating fewer calories than you burn, also known as a hypocaloric diet, can help you lose weight.

NI1 25/1/18

p. 138

fortunately /ˈfɔːtʆənətli/ UK  US  adverbio
por suerte, afortunadamente

Haven’t been able to, being able to, will be able to, will be able to, to be able to, not being able to, were able to, won’t be able to, have been able to, won’t be able to.

Couldn’t / wasn’t able to, will be able to, hasn’t been able, love being able to, used to be able, can’t / ‘m not able to, could / was able to, won’t be able, she’s been able to, can / is able to.

Homework: p. 36 / 37 reading activy

Hello, hallo, hullo

He‧brew /ˈhiːbruː/

Jew /dʒuː/ UK  US  sustantivo
judío -a

Jewish /ˈdʒuːɪʆ/ UK  US  adjetivo
judío -a


gadgets, phone, laptop, tablet
like doing
boyfriend or girlfriend
vocabulary learning
holiday in an English-speaking country
songs learn to sing them

Lyrics training, Vaughan, linguee, wordreference, duolingo,
Talk Radio Europe,

Itunes-> podcasts

p. 38

dial /ˈdaɪəl/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo] (-lled, -lling BrE, -led, -ling AmE)
I dialled the wrong number.
Marqué mal el número.

ringtone /ˈrɪŋtəʊn/ sustantivo
tono [de un móvil]

A Quiet Zone is an area of the library used for quiet study. It is located on the first floor of the library. In the Quiet Zone, mobile phones should be switched off or to silent, students should use headphones to listen or watch media, and use a quiet speaking voice for any converstation.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

NB2 24/1/18

p. 88

percent %, también per cent /pəˈsent/ UK  US  adjetivo & adverbio
por ciento
Unemployment is down four percent
El paro ha bajado un cuatro por ciento.
a hundred percent/one hundred percent cien por cien

delay /dɪˈleɪ/ ●●○ W3 noun 
1 [countable] when someone or something has to wait, or the length of the waiting time
- Sorry for the delay, Mr Weaver.
delay in
- Why was there a delay in warning the public?
delay of
- a delay of about an hour
long/considerable/slight etc delay

ex. 4
2 singles.

1,000€-> one thousand Euros
Is visa /r/ OK?

Ex. 5
How, next, best, enter, change, take, arrive, help.

p. 89

1f, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5c, 6g, 7e, 8h

It’s 5 to 8
It started at 7 o’clock pm
It finishes at 9 o’clock pm
I get up at half past 7

a.m., A.M. /eɪ ˈem/ UK  US
de la mañana
We open at 9 a.m.
Abrimos a las 9 de la mañana.

  El reloj de 24 horas se usa menos en inglés que en español. Es más frecuente el uso de a.m. y p.m.

You are an early bird

Depending on the traffic I get to / arrive at work at nineish
We’ll expect you around eightish (=at about eight o'clock).
 He’s fortyish (=about 40 years old).

Ex. 13

-How can I help you?
I’d like to go to Howghart School of Magic
-Would you like a single or return ticket?
I’d like a single ticket / one.
- First class or second class?
How much is a first class ticket?
And the second class one?
- 87€
I’ll take the second class ticket. Is it a fast or a slow train?
- A slow one.
Is it direct or with a change?
- There are no direct trains from Mula.
Which platform is it?
- It’s platform 9 ¾
What time does it leave?
- 20 to 12
Thank you very much. That’s very nice of you

- You are welcome, enjoy the trip.

NA2 24/1/18

p. 60

ex. 4
well-off, well-educated, healthy, highly cultured, politically engaged, tolerant.

Ex. 6a
State-weight, poor-law, low-though, head-said, cource-force, main-plane, stopped-opt, none-fun, waste-faced.

Ex. 6b
Break- ache, take, shake, make...
Foot- boot, book, put, shoot...
Height- night, light, white, fight...
Signed- bind, kind, mind, blind...
Walk- thought, talk, fork, folk...
Word- bird, heard, nerd...

like+infinitive=preference - Preferencia
example: I to like to get up at 8.00am - You prefer to get up at this hour.
like+gerund=enjoyment - Disfrutar, porque me gusta.
example : I like playing football - You enjoy playing football

I like going/to go to the gym. It's so relaxing. (=I enjoy visiting it)
Because of my weight problem I like to go to the gym at least twice a week (= I think it's a good idea)"

Homework: exercises 8 & 9, p. 61

NB1 24/1/18

p.  128

Does, do, do, do, do, do, does, do

Does he like tennis?
Does she speak German?
Do you eat pizzas?
Do they cook lasagne?
Does she live in a house?
Do you want an iPhone?
Does he drive ñpu?

Is it fast?

p. 24

a good match-> una buena pareja

With his mother in Bromley.
He is a chemistry teacher.
He likes science fiction, Star Wars
Meet, have, drink, like, live, do, like,
like, love, like.

Mee too-> a mi también
Really?-> en serio / de verdad
How interesting-> que interesante
What about you?-> Y tú?

Let’s go to the cinema
Let’s have a drink
Let’s play football
Let’s get married

At lunchtime

lunchtime /ˈlʌntʆtaɪm/ UK  US  sustantivo
hora de la comida, hora del almuerzo


What type of films does she like?
Foreign films: Italian, Spanish...
What type of music do they like?
Kevin: heavy metal, Sam: opera
Are their weekends very different?
Yes, they are
Sam: cinema, restaurants, good food, nightclubs
Kevin: play videogames with friends
Does she pay for their lunch?
No, she doesn’t. Kevin pays for the lunch.

No, it isn’t. It’s not safe / it is dangerous.
People are not sincere.

p. 25

ex. 2a
Do you want a drink?
Where do you live in South London?
What kind of film do you like?

Ex. 3b
How, how many, which, when, what kind, where, who, why

Where do you... work / read / study /play?
What sports do you... like / watch / play?
What magazines do you... like / read / have?
What TV programmes do you... like / watch?
What languages do you... like / speak / study?
What car do you... like / have?
What kind of music do you... like / play / have?
What kind of films do you... like / watch /have?
What Kind of food do you... like / have?
Who is your favourite... singer / actor?
What is your favourite... restaurant / TV programme?

Homework: grammarbank 3C p. 128 and p. 25/p. 111 ex. 5 Writing activity.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

NI2 23/1/18

p. 116
guess /ges/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo] (3ª persona singular del presente -sses)
1 adivinar
You have to guess the weight of the cake.
Tienes que adivinar el peso del pastel.
I'd guess that he's about 50.
Diría que tiene alrededor de 50.
You'll never guess who I've just seen.
A que no te imaginas a quién acabo de ver.
guess what! ¿sabes qué?
Guess what! Jane's getting married!
¿Sabes una cosa? ¡Jane se casa!

to guess right adivinar, acertar

to guess wrong equivocarse

I guess so/not supongo que sí/no, me imagino que sí/no
to take/make a guess tratar de adivinar

penknife /ˈpen-naɪf/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -knives)

harbour BrE, harbor AmE /ˈhɑːbə/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
puerto [o bahía resguardada que sirve de fondeadero]

deck /dek/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 cubierta [de un barco]

bend /bend/ UK  US
 •  sustantivo

platform /ˈplætfɔːm/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (en una estación de trenes) andén

land ●●● S2 W3 verb 
a) [intransitive] if a plane, bird, or insect lands, it moves safely down onto the ground
OPP take off
- Flight 846 landed five minutes ago.
- The bird landed gracefully on the water.

a flat tyre (=one which the air has come out of)
I had a flat tyre and had to walk home.

come over phrasal verb
a) if someone comes over, they visit you at your house
 Do you want to come over on Friday evening?
b) if someone comes over, they come to the country where you are
- When did your family first come over to America?

crossing /ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (lugar para cruzar) cruce
 ▶  ver también pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing
2 (intersección) cruce
3 (viaje por mar) travesía

overtake /ˌəʊvəˈteɪk/ UK  US  verbo (pasado -took, participio -taken)
1  [transitivo/intransitivo] adelantar [un vehículo a otro]

Past perfect:

I found the keys that I had lost the previous week.

The house was dirty because there had been a party the night before.

Ex. 5

1) plane
Almost missed the flight
Long queue at checking desk and security
2) car
Dark and pour down
Lost driving in circles
Someone drove straight accross me

Ex. 6
Thanks for picking us up
It’s a relief (alivio) to finally be here
Everything that could go wrong did
We only just caught the flight
We hit a storm
I don’t want to go through that again

I’m starting to worry
How come? = why?
Took the wrong turning
I couldn’t work out where I was (hacerme una idea de donde estaba)
I had to brake to avoid hitting him

dreadful /ˈdredfəl/ UK  US  adjetivo
1  espantoso -a, horroroso -a
She looks dreadful in that dress.
Está espantosa con ese vestido.

sweat /swet/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
1  [intransitivo] sudar, transpirar

set off phrasal verb
1 to start to go somewhere
- I’ll set off early to avoid the traffic.
- Jerry and I set off on foot for the beach.

how come

Homework: ex. 8

NA2 23/1/18

Sharp->INTELLIGENT able to think and understand things very quickly, and not easily deceived
OPP dull, stupid
- a journalist with an extremely sharp mind

make a spectacle of yourself
to behave in an embarrassing way that is likely to make other people notice you and laugh at you

spectacle /ˈspektəkəl/ ●○○ noun [countable] 
1 a very impressive show or scene
- a multimedia dance and opera spectacle
2 [usually singular] an unusual or interesting thing or situation that you see or notice – used especially in order to show disapproval
- The trial was turned into a public spectacle.
spectacle of
- the spectacle of drunken young men on the streets

He scored 30 out of 30 on it

mental/visual/cognitive/hearing etc impairment
a condition in which a part of a person’s mind or body is damaged or does not work well

on behalf of somebody
(also in behalf of somebody American English)
a) instead of someone, or as their representative
- She asked the doctor to speak to her parents on her behalf.
- On behalf of everyone here, may I wish you a very happy retirement.
b) because of or for someone
- Oh, don’t go to any trouble on my behalf.

He is safe for duty for the remain of this term

In the months ahead

Off the record he is saying

Repeteadly questioned his capacity

Are widely respected

They won’t take the word of any doctor based on his behaviour.

Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl [Official Lyric Video]

Political cartoons and other stories:

NI1 23/1/18

p. 34

failure /ˈfeɪljə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 fracaso
The project was a failure.
El proyecto era un  fracaso.

Past simple pronunciation:

/id/ wanted, included, invited, started,

/d/ discovered, suffered, learned, tried, happened, joined,

/t/ booked,

p. 138

homework: grammarbank 4B a and b, p. 138

p. 35

effort /ˈefət/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 esfuerzo
to put a lot of effort into sth esforzarse mucho en algo
I put a lot of effort into organizing the party.
Me esforcé mucho en la organización de la fiesta.
3 to make an effort to do sth hacer un esfuerzo por/para hacer algo

ˈsign ˌlanguage UK  US  sustantivo
lenguaje de signos, señas
We had to use sign language to communicate.
Tuvimos que comunicarnos por señas.

bungee jumping /ˈbʌndʒi ˌdʒʌmpɪŋ/ sustantivo
goming, benji

Play THE piano, the violin, the guitar...

Play football, basket, tennis, chess...

Go running, swimming, climbing...

Do yoga, karate, bungee jumping...

Being able to swim is very important for a little kid.
I’ll be able to swim before the summer.
I’d be able to swim with a little help.
I could be able to speak English if I travelled to the UK.
I’ve been able to finish the race.
I want to be able to help.

p. 36

ˈsoft drink UK  US  sustantivo

The film was boring

The audience were bored