Monday, May 09, 2016

C1 30-31/4/16

Homework: Discursive essay-> write one as the one in the model. Use the structure in exercise 4 (key: 1c, 2a, 3b) and the topic in exercise 5 if you like, though you can feel free to change it.

Utopia /juːˈtəʊpɪə/

Initiate /ɪˈnɪʃɪˌeɪt/

Fulfill or fulfil /fʊlˈfɪl/   v. [~ + object],-filled, -fill•ing or -fil•ling. 
1. to carry out or bring to realization:The dream of a world without war is yet to be fulfilled.
2. to perform or do, such as duty; obey or follow, such as commands:ability to fulfill the job.
3. to satisfy (requirements, needs, obligations, etc.):That book will fulfill a long-felt need.
4. [~ + oneself] to develop the full potential of (oneself).

give in: 
§         to hand in; deliver: [~ + in + object]She gave in her timecard.[~ + object + in]She gave her timecard in.

communal /kəˈmyunəl/   adj. 
1. used or shared in common: a communal stove.
2. of, by, or belonging to the people of a community: communal land.
3. relating to a commune or a community: communal life.

tenement /ˈtɛnəmənt/   n. [countable]
1. Also called ˈten•e•ment ˌhouse. a run-down and often overcrowded apartment house, esp. in a poor section of a large city.

e•lide   /ɪˈlaɪd/
v.t., e•lid•ed, e•lid•ing. 
1. Linguistics, Phoneticsto omit (a vowel, consonant, or syllable) in pronunciation.
2. to suppress;
pass over.

Status /ˈsteɪtəs/

spring•board /ˈsprɪŋˌbɔrd/   n. [countable]
1. Sporta flexible board anchored at one end and used in diving and gymnastics for gaining height.
2. a starting point;
point of departure, as for a discussion:We can use his statement as a springboard for our discussion.

tram•po•line /ˌtræmpəˈlin, ˈtræmpəˌlin, -lɪn/   n. [countable]
1. Sporta sheet, usually of canvas, attached by springs to a horizontal frame several feet above the floor, used as a springboard in tumbling.

slaugh‧ter‧house [countable]
a building where animals such as cows or pigs are killed for their meat [= abattoir]

thesis /ˈθiːsɪs/

ajuar nm     (objetos del hogar)  trousseau n
      Preparó su ajuar con ilusión.

dote nf (aporte nupcial) dowry n /ˈdaʊərɪ/
      La hija del sultán aportó mil monedas de oro como dote en su boda.


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