Monday, October 07, 2013

ni2 4/7-10-13

What’s the use (of something)
Spoken used to say that something seems to be a waste of time:
class=pronsentence title="Look up a word starting with D or S for samples of headword or sentence pronunciations on the LDOCE CD-ROM" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025">What's the use of decorating the house if we are going to sell it?


lowbrow entertainment, newspapers, books etc are easy to understand and are not concerned with serious ideas about art, culture etc - used to show disapproval [≠ highbrow]

Ethics /ˈeθɪks/ noun [ plural ]
Ideas and beliefs about what type of behaviour is morally right and wrong
A code of ethics
The ethics of genetic engineering

Famed written
Well-known [= famous]:
The famed literary critic Nathan Hall
Famed for
class=pronsentence title="Look up a word starting with D or S for samples of headword or sentence pronunciations on the LDOCE CD-ROM" v:shapes="_x0000_i1027">The island of Lontar, famed for its nutmeg and cloves

Skull /skʌl/ noun [ C ]
[ ANATOMY ] the part of your head that is made of bone and which protects your brain.

Palace /ˈpælɪs/ noun [ C ]
A large house where a king or queen lives
Buckingham Palace
The presidential palace

He swallowed all the food very fast

Hob‧nob past tense and past participle hobnobbed, present participle hobnobbing [intransitive]
informal to spend time talking to people who are in a higher social position than you
Hobnob with
' class=pronsentence title="Look up a word starting with D or S for samples of headword or sentence pronunciations on the LDOCE CD-ROM" v:shapes="_x0000_i1028"> He spent the first day hobnobbing with the management.

Surreal /səˈrɪəl/ ( also surrealistic /səˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk/ ) adjective
Strange and not real, like something in a dream
His paintings have a surreal quality.

Trading port
Trading cards

Numerous /ˈnjuːm ə rəs/ adjective formal
He is the author of numerous articles.

Sacred /ˈseɪkrɪd/ adjective
1 HOLY [ RELIGION ] relating to a religion or considered to be holy
Sacred music
A sacred object

Privacy /ˈprɪvəsi/ /ˈpraɪvəsi/ noun [ U ]
When you are alone and people cannot see or hear what you are doing
I hate sharing a bedroom - I never get any privacy.

Vulture /ˈvʌltʃə r / noun [ C ]
A large bird with no feathers on its head or neck that eats dead animals

Doubt /daʊt/

Bit difficult

Stroll /strəʊl/ verb
Stroll along/down/through, etc
To walk somewhere in a slow and relaxed way
They strolled along the beach.
Stroll noun [ C ]
Shall we go for a stroll around the garden?

Count me in/out

Slightly /ˈslaɪtli/ adverb
A little
I think I did slightly better in my exams this time.
I find it slightly worrying.

Who are you?
Some extra personal info?

I’m really into
I truly enjoy
I quite like
Hang out with friends
Go trekking


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