Monday, April 08, 2013

nb1 8-9/4/13

Homework: p.62, ex. 1 (vocabulary).

I went to sleep – me puse a dormir.

motive /ˈməʊtɪv/ UK  US  sustantivo
motivo , móvil
the  motive for  the murder
el móvil del crimen

She didn’t hear anything.
He didn’t look at the clock ≠ watch.

partner /ˈpɑːtnə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (en un baile, un juego) pareja, compañero -a
2 (en una empresa) socio -a
3 (en una relación) pareja, compañero -a

ˈdining room UK  US  sustantivo

ˈliving room UK  US  sustantivo
sala de estar, salón

ˈsitting room UK  US  sustantivo
sala de estar, salón

mean /miːn/ UK  US  verbo &  adjetivo
 •  verbo [transitivo] (pasado & participio meant)
1 significar, querer decir
What does "random access" mean?
¿Qué significa "random access"?/¿Qué quiere decir "random access"?
What do you mean by that?
¿Qué quieres decir con eso?
I know what you mean.
Te entiendo.
1 malo -a
Why are you being so  mean to  me?
¿Por qué eres tan mala conmigo?
2  BrE tacaño -a, mezquino -a

murderer /ˈmɜːdərə/ UK  US  sustantivo
asesino -a, homicida
 ▶  ¿murderer o assassin? ver nota en asesino

blackmail /ˈblækmeɪl/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  verbo
 [transitivo] chantajear

library /ˈlaɪbrəri/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -ries)
I borrowed this book from the library.
Saqué este libro de la biblioteca.

bookshop /ˈbʊkʆɒp/ BrE, bookstore /ˈbʊkstɔːr/ AmE UK  US  sustantivo

cheers /tʆɪəz/ UK  US  interjección
1 ¡salud!
2  BrE (informal) gracias
3  BrE (informal) hasta luego

AT midday / midnight.

On Saturday it was my husband’s birthday.
Bungee jumping.
Went cycling.
Did some exercise.
Walked – spoke – slept.

massage /ˈmæsɑːʒ, AmE məˈsɑːʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
 •  verbo [transitivo]
masajear, hacer masajes en

I went for a walk.
I worked
I went shopping for clothes.
A birthday party.
I went shopping. (I’m going shopping)
I did housework.
I went dancing.
I spent (spend) the day in the country with my husband.
I went for a coffeee with my sister.
I watched TV.
I worked on Saturday.
I had lunch with my music band.
I ate a 20 cm hamburger.
I worked all the weekend.
I went for a ride with my husband on his motorbike.
I went to work by car.
And I went for a walk to the beach.
My car broke down and I bought a bike.
They didn’t have problems, he was a wonderful father.
I went climbing to the mountain.
We went for a walk for two hours in the mountain.
Hang-gliding: ala delta.

She heard somebody/a door. She thinks it was Amanda.
She loved him but he didn’t love her. He used her.

Todo este tipo de  preguntas finales se traducen como: ¿verdad?

You are a nurse, aren’t you?
She is famous, isn’t she?
We weren’t late, were we?
They invited us, didn’t they?

I went to a bullfight.
I went to Murcia for the Spring Festival.
I went to the Burial of the Sardine.

I went to Viena last summer.
I went dancing with my friends.
I worked on Saturday.
I went to the mountain.
I did (the) housework.
I had lunch with my family.

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