Wednesday, March 06, 2013

nb1 6-7/3/13

Homework: p.49 and 113 – writing (an informal email)

Have the TV on/off

Call - Call me tomorrow. (por teléfono)
Ring - The phone is ringing.
Phone – Don’t phone me at work.

download /daʊnˈləʊd/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
bajar, descargar [de Internet]

musician /mjuːˈzɪʆən/ UK  US  sustantivo
músico -a

stressed /strest/, UK  US  adjetivo
estresado -a

Are you ok?
Do you live in Mula?
Do you like -> dancing?
Are you reading this book?

portrait /ˈpɔːtrɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo

century /ˈsentʆəri/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -ries)
the 21st century
el siglo XXI

photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ UK  US  sustantivo
to take a photo sacar una foto
Can you take a photo of us?

The sun shines.
It rains a lot in spring.
The wind is blowing.

architect /ˈɑːkɪtekt/ UK  US  sustantivo
arquitecto -a

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