Tuesday, January 08, 2013

ni2 8-1-12

New Year’s Resolutions: 27 Questions to Ask Yourself
Completing and Remembering Last Year
1.                      What was your biggest triumph last year?
2.                      What was the smartest decision you made last year?
3.                      What one word best sums up and describes your experience?
4.                      What was the greatest lesson you learned last year?
5.                      What was the most loving service you performed last year?
6.                      What is your biggest piece of unfinished business last year?
7.                      What are you most happy about completing last year?
8.                      Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life last year?
9.                      What was the biggest risk you took last year?
10.              What was the biggest surprise last year?
11.              What important relationship improved the most last year?
12.              What compliment would you have liked to have received last year?
13.              What compliment would you have liked to have given last year?
14.              What else do you need to do or say to be complete with last year?

Making This Year Your Best Year Yet
1.           What would you like to be your biggest triumph this year?
2.           What advice would you like to give yourself this year?
3.           What is the major effort you are planning to improve your financial results this year?
4.           What would you be most happy about completing this year?
5.           What major indulgence are you willing to experience this year?
6.           What would you most like to change about yourself this year?
7.           What are you looking forward to learning this year?
8.           What do you think your biggest risk will be this year?
9.           What about your work, are you most committed to changing and improving this year?
10.  What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore this year?
11.  What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of that this year?
12.  Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving this year?
13.  What one word would you like to have as your theme this year?

triumph /ˈtraɪəmf/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
triunfo, victoria
a brave woman's triumph over adversity
el triunfo de una mujer valiente sobre la adversidad
 •  verbo [intransitivo]
to triumph over sth/sb triunfar sobre algo/alguien

compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 cumplido, piropo
to pay sb a compliment hacerle un cumplido a alguien, echarle un piropo a alguien

indulgence /ɪnˈdʌldʒəns/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 excesos [con la comida, la bebida, etc.], placeres
2 gusto, lujo
3 indulgencia

Treat somebody to something: buy something for somebody
to buy or do something special for someone that you know they will enjoy
We treated Mom to lunch at the Savoy.
I treated myself to a new dress.

working out, losing weight 
maybe using tanning spray
becoming more attractive in general

reading more, watching less
learning all the rules for chess
becoming somewhat smarter in general
eating fish, not fingernails
volunteer to save the whales
becoming a better guy in general
saving more, spending less
yes I will wax my chest
dating more girls in general

But not this year. No this year is different!
As different as a gazelle. Yes, a gazelle from a deer. (They're actually not that different.)
After all these failed resolutions. My future is clear, the future is near!

Just forget those resolutions you
know that you are never gonna do
and adopt a more realistical view
by committing to things that come easily to you
like eat at least one value meal a week
or put the correct shoes on the correct feet
just "Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!"

Just face the fact you've always thought
those resolutions don't mean squat
Settle in to a comfortable spot
embrace all the things you know you are not.
Hit the snooze, roll over, then repeat
Make large purchases, then lose the receipts
just "Raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath!"

snooze /snuːz/ (informal) UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo [intransitivo]
echar una cabezadita
 •  sustantivo
to have a snooze echar una cabezadita

fashion /ˈfæʆən/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 moda
to be in fashion estar/ponerse de moda
to be out of fashion estar pasado -a de moda
to go out of fashion pasar de moda

tout also ticket tout [countable] British English
someone who buys tickets for a concert, sports match etc and sells them at a higher price, usually on the street near a sports ground, theatre etc[= scalper American English]

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