Monday, January 14, 2013

nb1 14-1-13

Homework: ex. 1 p. 36 + 158 (Vocabulary)

You’re always late.
Are you always late?
Why are you always late?

He’s always hungry.
Is he always hungry?
Why is he always hungry?
(Why) Is always he angry?

temperature /ˈtemprɪtʆə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 temperatura
2 (de una persona) temperatura
to have a temperature, to be running a temperature tener fiebre
to take sb's temperature tomarle la temperatura a alguien

degree /dɪˈgriː/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 grado
temperatures of 350 degrees
temperaturas de 350 grados
3 licenciatura
to have a degree in history/philosophy etc ser licenciado -a en historia/filosofía etc
4 to do a degree hacer una carrera (universitaria)

diet /ˈdaɪət/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 dieta
They live on a diet of fruit and insects.
Se alimentan de frutos e insectos.

healthy /ˈhelθi/ UK  US  adjetivo (-thier, -thiest)
1  sano -a, saludable [persona, dieta, comida]

Shepherd /ˈʆepəd/ UK  US  sustantivo
pastor -a

soy bean /ˈsɔɪ biːn/, también soya bean /ˈsɔɪə biːn/ UK  US  sustantivo

meal /miːl/ UK  US  sustantivo
comida [desayuno, almuerzo, cena, etc.]
to have a meal comer
to go out for a meal salir a comer fuera

His life is hard
I like healthy meals
£25,000 – Twenty-five thousand
43,562 – forty-three thousand, five hundred and sixty-two

La no contracción de la respuesta corta se refiere a aquellos casos en los que usamos el verbo ser (to be) en una respuesta afirmativa.

Is she a doctor?
Yes, she is (she’s).
No, she isn’t.

Are they angry?
Yes, they are (they’re).
No, they aren’t.

Are you German?
No, I’m not.
Yes, I am (I’m).

Do you like pizza?
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.

to be in a hurry (We are in a hurry)
there are
I’m stressed due to the exams.

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