Stump [countable]
1 the bottom part of a tree that is left in the ground after the rest of it has been cut down:
An old tree stump
Twig [countable]
A small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch on a tree
chinchar (conjugate⇒) verbo transitivo (fam) to pester (colloq)
man‧ger [countable]
a long open container that horses, cattle etc eat from
manger / ˈmeɪndʒər / || / ˈmeɪndʒə(r)/
vix‧en [countable]
1 a female fox
2 literary an offensive word for a woman who is bad-tempered or who fights
Crib: [countable] British English a model of the scene of Jesus' birth, often placed in churches and homes at Christmas [↪ Nativity]
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