Thursday, November 30, 2017

NI2 30/11/17

U 4
Asian traits

trait /treɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo
rasgo, característica [de la personalidad]

twilight /ˈtwaɪlaɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo

dawn /dɔːn/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
amanecer, alba

dusk /dʌsk/ UK  US  sustantivo
at dusk al anochecer

morning person
noun [ C ] UK /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ ˌpɜː.sən/ US /ˈmɔːr.nɪŋ ˌpɝː.sən/
informal someone who feels awake and full of energy in the mornings:
He's not really a morning person - he doesn't even talk before about eleven o'clock!

Are you a morning person?

Review test

NA2 30/11/17

Azoolino’s: key to activities

Flock, mound, satchel, minstrel, flood, fleece, diversion, feeble, wearily, shoddy, head, nestle.

Fair weather friend, workmates, more than acquaintances but not true friends, perhaps old friends

The king was bored and eager to be entertained by the minstrel. The king is fooled by a witty minstrel when he is told to tell a story without an end. The sheep are counted one by one but his idea doesn’t work as he planned and the minstrel is taken away to the dream land thanks to his brilliant trick.

NI1 30/11/17

Started, humidity, current, boat

manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ UK  US  verbo
1  [intransitivo] arreglárselas
Don't worry about me, I'll manage.
No te preocupes por mí, me las arreglaré.
How does she  manage to  stay so slim?
¿Cómo se las apaña para seguir tan delgada?
2  [transitivo] (para expresar posibilidad, logro)
I can't manage Friday.
El viernes no puedo.
Can you manage that suitcase?
¿Puedes con esa maleta?
I could manage £10.
Podría poner 10 libras.

paddle /ˈpædl/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 remo [corto o de dos palas]
1  [transitivo/intransitivo] remar

Once, melted, until,

melt /melt/ UK  US  verbo
1  [transitivo] derretir, fundir
2  [intransitivo] derretirse, fundirse
3 to melt in the/your mouth deshacerse en la boca

bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  verbo [transitivo]

plaster /ˈplɑːstə/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 yeso, encalado, revoque
2 in plaster enyesado -a, escayolado -a
to put sb's arm/leg etc in plaster escayolarle el brazo/la pierna etc a alguien
3  BrE tirita®

tape /teɪp/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 cinta [para grabar]
2 cinta adhesiva

exhausted /ɪgˈzɔːstɪd/ UK  US  adjetivo
exhausto -a, agotado -a

exhaustion /ɪgˈzɔːstʆən/ UK  US  sustantivo

enough /ɪˈnʌf/ UK  US  adverbio, adjetivo &  pronombre
1 bastante, suficiente
He's old  enough to  understand.
Es lo bastante mayorcito como para entender.
 adjetivo & pronombre
1 suficiente, bastante
We don't have enough glasses.
No tenemos suficientes vasos.
I think we've done enough for today.
Creo que ya hemos hecho bastante por hoy.
2 to have had enough (of sth/sb) estar harto -a (de algo/alguien)
3 that's enough! ¡basta!

behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ UK  US  preposición adverbio
1 posición
 (= detrás de)
 The cat was hiding behind a tree.
 El gato estaba escondido detrás de un árbol.
 The park is  right behind the supermarket.
 El parque está justo detrás del supermercado.
1 posición
 (= detrás, atrás)
 They live in a beautiful house with a huge lake behind.
 Viven en una casa preciosa con un lago enorme detrás.
 Several other runners were following close behind.
 Varios corredores le seguían de cerca.
2 retraso
to be behind with the payments/rent etc estar atrasado -a con los pagos/el alquiler etc
to get behind with the payments/rent etc atrasarse con los pagos/el alquiler etc

venid, Bowling, exhausted, give up, wide, chocolate, paddle, boring, feeling, sick.

sick /sɪk/ UK  US  adjetivo &  sustantivo plural
 •  adjetivo
1 enfermo -a
to be off sick BrE , to be out sick AmE estar de baja por enfermedad
 ▶  ¿sick o ill? ver recuadro en enfermo
2 (con náuseas) to be sick vomitar
to feel sick tener ganas de vomitar, marearse

A sick leave

¿ill o sick?
Delante de un sustantivo se usa  sick:
un niño enfermo
 a sick child
animales enfermos
 sick animals
estar enfermo -a se dice to be ill en inglés británico y  to be sick en inglés americano:
Está muy enfermo.
 He's very ill./He's very sick.
gravemente enfermo -a siempre es seriously ill:
Su madre estaba gravemente enferma.
 His mother was seriously ill.

altogether /ɔːltəˈgeðə/ UK  US  adverbio
1 totalmente, por completo
I'm  not altogether  convinced he's right.
No estoy totalmente convencida de que tenga razón.
2 en general
Altogether, it was an interesting trip.
En general, fue un viaje interesante.
3 en total

Her ipod broke, count / countries / sky /clouds, bright blue-> supersticious, mosquitoes, dolphins /butterflies /iguanas / vultures/ fish, adventure coming to an end, 3,200, 6 weeks, her dog: Barney, take a long walk with her dog.

Small, afraid, good /nice /tasty, hungry, big, cold, dirty, happy, funny, sure, surprised.

hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/ UK  US  adjetivo

divertidísimo -a, graciosísimo -a

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

NB2 29/11/17


I can’t sleep
Can you help me?
Can I use your bathroom?
Can you turn up the music?
I can’t find my book
Can I wash some clothes?
We can’t come next week
He can’t drive at the moment

Can you move? I can’t see the board.
I can’t do this exercise. Can you help me?
Can you turn it up? I can’t hear the CD
I can’t come to the class. Can you tell me the homework?
I can’t read the board. Can I sit nearer?
Can I go to the toilet? I can’t wait


I need to find the bank
She’s in the bathroom, putting on make-up
They have a lovely living room
I want to send this package to Poland
Put the plates in the sink, please
My flat is on the left, opposite the post office
A friend has four sofas in her flat
There’s a plate of vegetables in the fridge


Do the washing(-up), clean the
bathroom, tidy your bedroom, mop the house, set / lay / clean the table, do the ironing, cook, do the shopping, dust the house, hang the clothes, wake the children up, put the children to bed / sleep, walk the dog.

hoover /ˈhuːvə/ UK  US  verbo BrE
1  [intransitivo] pasar la aspiradora
2  [transitivo] pasar la aspiradora por

disinfect /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]

dust /dʌst/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 polvo
2 to give sth a dust quitarle el polvo a algo
 •  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo]
quitarles el polvo a los muebles
dust sth down/off phrasal verb
 quitarle el polvo a algo

broom /bruːm/ UK  US  sustantivo
mop /mɒp/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 fregona
 •  verbo [transitivo] (-pped, -pping)
1  fregar [el suelo], pasar la fregona
mop sth up phrasal verb
  limpiar [suelo], rebañar [una salsa]

Homework: ex. 5, p. 64

NA2 29/11/17

ˌmale ˈchauvinist noun [countable] 
a man who believes that men are better than women and has fixed traditional ideas about the way men and women should behave – used to show disapproval
 I’m afraid Bill’s a bit of a male chauvinist.
male chauvinist pig (=an insulting name for a male chauvinist)
—male chauvinism noun [uncountable]

congestion /kənˈdʒestʃən/ ●○○ noun [uncountable] 
1 the problem of too much traffic in a place
 Councillors are looking at ways to reduce traffic congestion in the town centre.

epidemic /ˌepəˈdemɪk/ ●●○ noun [countable] 
1 a large number of cases of a disease that happen at the same time → pandemic
 Over 500 people died during last year’s flu epidemic.
epidemic of
 an epidemic of cholera

starvation /stɑːˈveɪʃən $ stɑːr-/ noun 
1 [uncountable] suffering or death caused by lack of food → hunger
 people dying of starvation

aseptic /eɪˈseptɪk, ə-/ adjective technical 
a wound that is aseptic is completely clean without any harmful bacteria OPP infected

antibiotic /ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪk $ -ˈɑː-/ ●○○ noun [countable usually plural] 
a drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections

p. 34

birth rate control

famine /ˈfæmɪn/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable] 
a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many people die
 the great potato famine in Ireland
severe/widespread famine
 Widespread famine had triggered a number of violent protests.

 A million people are facing famine.

NB1 29/11/17

star /stɑː/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 (cuerpo celeste) estrella
2 (persona famosa) estrella
a film star
una estrella de cine

stripe /straɪp/ UK  US  sustantivo
raya, franja [de color]

a striped blouse

It’s light / dark blue
red, white, blue

black, yellow, grey, pink, orange, brown, green.

orange /ˈɒrɪndʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo &  adjetivo
 •  sustantivo
1 (fruta) naranja
2 (color) naranja

purple /ˈpɜːpəl/ UK  US  sustantivo &  adjetivo
 •  sustantivo
morado, violeta, púrpura
 •  adjetivo
morado -a, violeta

earthquake /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ UK  US  sustantivo

centre - center
lift – elevator

Brazil(ian), Ireland-Irish, Germany-German, Italy-Italian

What are the colours in the Italian flag?

Easy as A, B, C

p. 152

The shark is a very dangerous animal.
A renault is a quite fast car.
A whale is a really big animal.

Mount Everest is a really high mountain.
Bill Gates is a very rich person.
The Pyramids are very old monuments.
Africa is a quite big continent.
Mula is a very beautiful city.

p. 14
New York, Have a nice day, fast food, The white House, high school, blue jeans, yellow taxis.

She is tall, intelligent, Spanish...
She is a tall girl

Homework: grammarbank 2B, p. 127

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

NI2 28/11/17

heater /ˈhiːtə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 estufa
2 calefacción [de un coche]

stove /stəʊv/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (para cocinar) cocina
to leave sth on the stove dejar algo en el fuego
2 (para dar calor) estufa

radiator /ˈreɪdieɪtə/ UK  US  sustantivo


p. 30
tourism, might, robbed, relaxation  /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən/, learn, experiences, adventure, storm, blow your house down, war, provided, filled,

stuck1 /stʌk/ UK  US  adjetivo
1  to be stuck estar atascado -a
The car was stuck in the snow.
El coche se quedó atascado en la nieve.
2 to get stuck quedarse atascado -a
I got stuck on the third question.
Me quedé atascada en la tercera pregunta.
3 (sin poder salir) atrapado -a
I got stuck because of the snow.

arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
1 concertar [una reunión], organizar [una fiesta, un viaje]
to arrange to do sth quedar en hacer algo
We arranged to meet at the entrance.
Quedamos en encontrarnos en la entrada.
I've  arranged for  him  to  pick you up.
He quedado con él para que vaya a recogerte.

provide /prəˈvaɪd/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
1  proporcionar, suministrar [dinero, información, etc.]
to provide sb with sth proporcionarle algo a alguien
I was provided with a car and a guide.
Me proporcionaron un coche y un guía.

cost /kɒst/ UK  US  sustantivo, sustantivo plural & verbo
1 (dinero) coste
at a cost of a un coste de

day out
especially British English
a trip you make for pleasure on a particular day
 A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family.

ˌday ˈoff noun (plural days off) [countable] 
a day when you do not go to work, school etc because you have a holiday or because you are sick
 On my days off, you’ll usually find me out in the back garden.

spoil /spɔɪl/ UK  US  verbo (pasado & participio spoiled o spoilt BrE)
1  [transitivo] arruinar
2  [transitivo] malcriar, consentir

brat /bræt/ UK  US  sustantivo (informal)
mocoso -a

cruise /kruːz/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
1  [intransitivo] hacer un crucero
2  [intransitivo] volar [a velocidad de crucero], ir [a una velocidad constante]
 •  sustantivo
1 crucero [viaje]
to go on a cruise hacer un crucero
2  cruise ship crucero [barco]

tourism /ˈtʊərɪzəm/ UK  US  sustantivo

author /ˈɔːθə/ UK  US  sustantivo
autor -a, escritor -a

ˈroller ˌcoaster UK  US  sustantivo
montaña rusa

volcano /vɒlˈkeɪʊ $ vɑːlˈkeɪnoʊ/ ●○○ noun (plural volcanoes or volcanos) [countable] 
a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (=very hot liquid rock) is sometimes forced out
 Pompei was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79 AD.
active volcano (=one that may explode at any time)
dormant volcano (=one that is not active at the moment)
extinct volcano (=one that is no longer active at all)

ash /æʆ/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (plural ashes) ceniza
2  (también ash tree) (árbol) fresno

Started, visited

result /rɪˈzʌlt/ UK  US  
as a result en consecuencia, por consiguiente
as a result of sth como consecuencia de algo

While there-> while I was there

I’ve come to the conclusion

Places, history, nature, called,

guess /ges/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo] (3ª persona singular del presente -sses)
1 adivinar
You have to guess the weight of the cake.
Tienes que adivinar el peso del pastel.
I'd guess that he's about 50.
Diría que tiene alrededor de 50.
You'll never guess who I've just seen.
A que no te imaginas a quién acabo de ver.
guess what! ¿sabes qué?
Guess what! Jane's getting married!
¿Sabes una cosa? ¡Jane se casa!
2 suponer, imaginarse
I guess she didn't feel like coming.
Supongo que no tendría ganas de venir.
I guess so/not supongo que sí/no, me imagino que sí/no
 •  sustantivo (plural -sses)
 intento o acción de adivinar
"Did you know that?" "No, it was a guess."
–¿Lo sabías? –No, lo he dicho por decir.
I'll give you three guesses.
Te doy tres oportunidades para que lo aciertes.
At a guess,  I'd say he's about 25.
Yo diría que tiene alrededor de 25.
to take/make a guess tratar de adivinar

client, finacial, areas,

willing /ˈwɪlɪŋ/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 dispuesto -a
to be willing to do sth estar dispuesto -a a hacer algo
2  servicial, voluntarioso -a

Travel halfway around the World

local /ˈləʊkəl/ UK  US  adjetivo & sustantivo
1 residente, vecino -a
I asked one of the locals for directions.
Le pedí indicaciones a un vecino de la zona.

I like pizza -> I do like pizza
I talked to her -> I did talk to her.

criticize, -ise BrE /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo]

He somehow agrees

He agrees up to a point.