US elections (see the activity in the Moodle platform)
molest /məʊˈlest/ verb [ T ]
to hurt or attack someone in a sexual way
He was accused of
molesting children.
molestation /ˌməʊlesˈteɪʃən/ noun [ U ]
fringe /frɪndʒ/ noun [ C ]
1 HAIR UK ( US bangs [ plural ] )
hair that is cut short and straight at the top of someone's face
2 DECORATION loose threads that hang along the
edge of cloth as a decoration
3 EDGE the outside edge of an area, group, or
subject and not the main part
wig /wɪg/ noun [ C ]
a covering of real or artificial hair that you wear on
your head
She was wearing a
blonde wig .
ˌ sexual ˈ
intercourse noun [ U ] formal
[ BIOLOGY ] when a man puts his penis into a woman's vagina
health /helθ/
noun [ U ]
Word partners for health
damage / improve sb's health • excellent / good
/ ill / poor health • be in [good/bad, etc] health
1 BODY the condition of your body
to be in
good/poor health
Regular exercise is
good for your health.
2 SUCCESS how successful and strong something
the financial
health of the business
See also: the National Health Service
the Establishment
the people and organizations that have most power and
influence in a country
blue-collar /ˌbluːˈkɒlə r / adjective [ always before noun
A blue-collar worker does physical work, especially in
a factory.
white-collar /ˌwaɪtˈkɒlə r / adjective
[ SOCIETY ] relating to work in an office or in a job that needs
special knowledge and education
prosecutor /ˈprɒsɪkjuːtə r / noun [ C ]
[ LAW ] a lawyer who prosecutes people
prosecute /ˈprɒsɪkjuːt/ verb [ I , T ]
[ LAW ] to accuse someone of a crime in a law court
No one has been prosecuted
for the murders.
ˈ locker ˌ room noun [
C ]
a room where you change your clothes and leave those
and other personal possessions in a locker
vile /vaɪl/ adjective
extremely unpleasant
a vile attack
bathroom was vile.
crotch /krɒtʃ/ ( also UK crutch ) noun [ C
[ ANATOMY ] the part of your body between the tops of your legs,
or the part of a piece of clothing that covers this area
sewage /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ noun [ U ]
waste water and waste from toilets
sewage treatment plant
brag /bræg/ verb [ I ] present participle bragging
, past bragged
to talk with too much pride about what you have done
or what you own
He's always bragging
about how much money he earns.
Abusive to women
Instruct my attorney general
And get off this question
You are into big diversion tonight
spontaneous /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ adjective
happening naturally and suddenly and without being
a spontaneous
The crowd broke
into spontaneous applause.
spontaneity /ˌspɒntəˈneɪəti/ noun [ U ]
when something is spontaneous
The performance was
boring and lacked spontaneity.
heated /ˈhiːtɪd/ adjective
1 made warm or hot
2 a heated argument/debate, etc
an angry or excited argument
I’m going for Hillary C.
lively /ˈlaɪvli/ adjective
full of energy and interest
a lively conversation/debate
a lively child
U ]
the fool that I am
If I had a say…
As I see it…
trustworthy /ˈtrʌstˌwɜːði/ adjective
Someone who is trustworthy can be trusted.
[ INTERNET ] internet abbreviation for laughing out loud: used when
you think something is very funny
cutting-edge /ˌkʌtɪŋˈedʒ/ adjective
very modern and with all the newest developments
worship /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ verb present participle worshipping
, past worshipped , also US present participle worshiping
, past worshiped
1 GOD [ RELIGION ] [ I , T ] to show respect
for a god by saying prayers or performing religious ceremonies
2 PEOPLE [ T ] to love and respect someone very
She worshipped her
worship noun [
U ]
a place of
worship (= a religious building)
C ]