Wednesday, January 20, 2016

C1 18-19/1/16

Homework: reading unit 5C, p 62, ex 1, 2 and 3.

setting /ˈsetɪŋ/ noun [ C ]
1 PLACE the place where something is or where something happens, often in a book, play, or film
The house provided the setting for the TV series 'Pride and Prejudice'.
2 LEVEL a position on the controls of a piece of equipment
Set the oven at the lowest setting.

Spoilt for choice
appeal 1 /əˈpiːl/ noun
Word partners for appeal
issue / launch / make an appeal • an appeal for sth
QUALITY [ U ] the quality in someone or something that makes them attractive or enjoyable
I've never understood the appeal of skiing.

ˈ theme ˌ park noun [ C ]
a park with entertainments, such as games, machines to ride on, restaurants, etc, that are all based on one idea
a Disney theme park


onomatopoeia /ˌɒnəʊˌmætəˈpiːə/ noun [ U ]
[ LANGUAGE , LITERATURE ] the use of words which have sounds in them that are like the noises that the words refer to
'Pop!' is an example of onomatopoeia.

coup /kuː/ noun [ C ]
1 TAKE CONTROL [ POLITICS ] ( also coup d'état /ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/ ) when a group of people suddenly takes control of a country using force
a military coup
2 ACHIEVEMENT an important achievement, often one that was not expected
The award is a major coup for the university.

smuggle /ˈsmʌgl/ verb [ T ]
[ LAW ] to take something into or out of a place in an illegal or secret way
He was arrested for smuggling cocaine into Britain.
smuggler noun [ C ]
drug smugglers
smuggling noun [ U ]

a crime/drug/spy, etc ring 
a group of people who are involved in an illegal activity together

Little red riding hood
mem‧o‧ra‧bil‧i‧a [plural]
things that you keep or collect because they are connected with a famous person, event, or time:
a collection of war memorabilia

col‧lect‧a‧ble also col‧lect‧i‧ble
something that is collectable is likely to be bought and kept as part of a group of similar things, especially because it might increase in value
—collectable also collectible noun [countable]
shops selling antiques and collectables

outsell /aʊ’tsel/ past tense and past participle outsold [transitive]
1 to be sold in larger quantities than something else:
It may outsell his previous novels.

p.61, ex 5-6-7

have your (fair) share of sth
to have a lot of something and enough of it, usually something bad
We've had our fair share of rain already this summer.

ˌ ill ˈ will noun [ U ]
bad feelings between people because of things that happened in the past

the nitty-gritty /ˌnɪtiˈgrɪti/ noun
the important details of a subject or activity
English teachers should concentrate on the nitty-gritty of teaching grammar.

ˌ no-go ˈ area noun [ C ] mainly UK
an area, usually in a city, where it is too dangerous to go because there is a lot of violent crime there

real deal: perfect example of sth

telltale /ˈtelteɪl/ adjective [ always before noun ]
showing something that someone is trying to keep secret
She was showing all the telltale signs of pregnancy.

Wishy-washy: not definite

Fill the bubbles in a comic:

silencer /ˈsaɪlənsə r / noun [ C ]
1 VEHICLE UK ( US muffler ) a part of a vehicle that reduces noise
2 GUN a piece of equipment that you use on a gun to reduce the sound of it firing

overcoat [countable]
a long thick warm coat

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

C1 13-14/1/15


travelog, British English travelogue  noun documental masculine sobre viajes
uncharted waters/territory/area etc
a situation or activity that you have never experienced or tried before:
This new project will take us into uncharted territory.
2 not marked on any maps:
an uncharted island

a gripping film, story etc is very exciting and interesting:
Collins' gripping detective novel

civ•i•li•za•tion /ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃən/  

ra•vine /rəˈvin/   n. [countable]
1. a narrow, steep-sided valley usually created by the effects of running water off the soil over a long time.

chasm /ˈkæzəm/   n. [countable]
1. Geographya wide, deep crack in the earth's surface.
2. a wide split in opinions, etc., esp. one producing a break in relations:to overcome the great chasm between our two nations.

quin•tes•sence /kwɪnˈtɛsəns/   n. [countable;
usually singular;
usually: the + ~]
1. the most perfect type or example of something:the quintessence of honesty.

At the best of times
Steep ascents
So keeps pressing on
At a conservative estimate it was 1,500 feet deep
The former
To put accross a political message
pal•try /ˈpɔltri/   adj., -tri•er, -tri•est. 
1. ridiculously or insultingly small:a paltry wage.
2. completely worthless:paltry clothes.
endeavour, US endeavor /ɪnˈdɛvə/ vb
1. to try (to do something)
1. an effort to do or attain something
ascent /əˈsent/

Ernie and Bernie

ex•cerpt /ˈɛksɝpt/  n. [countable]
a passage or quotation taken or selected from a book, document, film, or the like;
extract:The pastor read excerpts from the Bible.


Monday, January 11, 2016

C1 11-12/1/16

New Year resolutions:

Vanish into thin air

1 [singular] a natural ability to do something very well [= talent]:
Jo has a flair for languages.
2 [uncountable] a way of doing things that is interesting and shows imagination
artistic/creative flair
a job for which artistic flair is essential
Irwin has real entrepreneurial flair.

1 used to emphasize that something has been done completely or has finished completely:
an old custom that has vanished altogether
Congress could ban the procession altogether.
2 [+adjective/adverb] used to emphasize that the way you describe something is completely true:
In Canada, the situation is altogether different.
This latest problem is altogether more serious.
not altogether (=not completely)
I wasn't altogether happy about Mike staying over.
The results were not altogether surprising.
3 used to show that you are referring to the total amount:
There were five people altogether.
How much do I owe you altogether?
4 used to make a final statement about several things you have just mentioned [= all in all]:
Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and amazing nightlife - altogether a great vacation!

happy chappy
"Chap" is an informal antiquated way for "fellow", "dude", "guy". It becomes "chappy" for making it rhymes with "happy".
If you're happy chappy, you're pleased, happy.
Often used in a sarcastic way and with a negative.
- "Omg, how do you even like this song, it really sucks!"
- "Sounds like you're not a happy chappy...go listening to your stuff then"

Principio del formulario
Final del formulario
make an effort
[intransitive,transitive usually in questions and negatives] to make the effort to do something
(not) bother to do something
He didn't bother to answer the question.
not bother about/with
He didn't bother with a reply.
(not) bother doing something
Many young people didn't bother voting.
don't/didn't/won't etc bother
'Do you want me to wait for you?' 'No, don't bother.'
Why bother to go abroad, when there are so many nice places here?

floss [uncountable]
1 a type of thin thread that you use for cleaning between your teeth [= dental floss]
2 a type of thin thread that you use for sewing

patisserie /pə’tiːsərɪ/ n
1.   a shop where fancy pastries are sold
2.   such pastries

p. 69
of•fi•cious /əfɪʃəs/   adj. 
1.   too willing to offer help or advice that is not asked for and not wanted;
interfering in the affairs of others;

cu•ra•tor /kyʊˈreɪtɚ, ˈkyʊreɪ-/   n. [countable]
1.   the person in charge of a museum, zoo, etc.:the curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

shape [transitive]
1 to influence something such as a belief, opinion etc and make it develop in a particular way:
People's political beliefs are shaped by what they see in the papers.
2 to make something have a particular shape, especially by pressing it
shape something into something
Shape the dough into small balls.
egg-shaped/V-shaped etc
an L-shaped living room

af•fa•ble /æfəbəl/   adj.

    easy to approach and to talk to; friendly: courteous and affable neighbors.
    showing warmth and friendliness;
    pleasant: an affable smile.

Accomplish     /əkʌmplɪʃ/   verb   [ T ]
To succeed in doing something good
I feel as if I've accomplished nothing all day.

Shortbread: polvorón

dental floss /ˈdent ə lˌflɒs/ noun [ U ]
[ HEALTH ] a thin thread which is used for cleaning between the teeth

Brace 2 /breɪs/ noun [ C ]
1 SUPPORT something that supports or holds something in the correct position
He wore a neck brace for months after the accident.
2 TEETH [HEALTH] a wire object that some children wear to make their teeth straight

  rage 1     /reɪdʒ/   noun
1   [ C ,  U ]  strong anger that you cannot control
a jealous rage
He  flew into a rage   (= suddenly became angry)  over the smallest mistake.
2 be all the rage     informal        old-fashioned   
 to be very popular

procrastinate /prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt/ verb [ I ] formal
to wait a long time before doing something that you must do
I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point - I'm just procrastinating.

  schedule     /ʃedjul/     /skedʒul/   noun

spreadsheet /ˈspredʃiːt/ noun [ C ]
[ COMPUTING ] a computer program which helps you to do business calculations and planning

"Of all the boys I've known, and I've known some
Until I first met you, I was lonesome
And when you came in sight, dear, my heart grew light
And this old world seemed new to me

You're really swell, I have to admit,
You deserve expressions that really fit you
And so I've cracked my brain, hoping to explain
All the things that you do to me

Bei mir bist du schoen, please let me explain
Bei mir bist du schoen means you're grand
Bei mir bist du schoen, again I'll explain
It means you're the fairest in the land