Thursday, November 29, 2012

ni2 29-11-12

Grammar p. 38 and 39 (but not the grammar reference)


Competitive exam
Government exam
Civil servant
Civil service
Apply for a job.
Meet a deadline.
dead‧line [countable]
a date or time by which you have to do or complete something
deadline for
The deadline for applications is May 27th.
deadline of
It has to be in before the deadline of July 1st.
meet/miss a deadline (=have or not have something finished on time)
working under pressure to meet a deadline
set/impose a deadline
They've set a deadline of Nov 5.
tight/strict deadline (=a deadline that is difficult)

o‧ver‧look [transitive]
1 to not notice something, or not see how important it is [= miss]:
It is easy to overlook a small detail like that.
Nobody could overlook the fact that box office sales were down.
3 if a house, room etc overlooks something, it has a view of it, usually from above:
Our room overlooks the ocean.

view of
We'd like a room with a view of the sea.

Responsible for
Involved in
Much to my dismay
Physically demanding

ˌself-emˈployed UK  US  adjetivo
autónomo -a, por cuenta propia [trabajador]

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

nb1 28-29/11/12

Homework-> Grammarbank: p.129 3C (a + b) + writing a profile (p.25 and p.111, exercise 5).

My profile:

profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ UK  US  sustantivo

A good match: buena pareja

ˌscience ˈfiction UK  US  sustantivo
ciencia ficción

sci-fi /saɪ ˈfaɪ/ UK  US  sustantivo (informal)
ciencia ficción

chemistry /ˈkemɪstri/ UK  US  sustantivo

interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ UK  US  adjetivo

opera /ˈɒprə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 ópera
2  opera house (teatro de la) ópera

burger /ˈbɜːgə/ UK  US  sustantivo

What kind of _______ do you like? (food, films, tv series...)
That’s not really my thing.
What do you do? (¿En qué trabajas?)

bill /bɪl/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 cuenta, factura
a bill for $49.50
una cuenta de 49,50 dólares
Can we have the bill please?
¿Nos trae la cuenta, por favor?

It depends on the person.
No, it’s dangerous because there are people that we don’t know.
No, because you don’t know how this person is.
No, because you don’t really know the other person.
No, because some people on the internet are crazy.
No, because people tell lies on the internet / people don’t tell the truth.
It’s difficult to really know people.
No because the internet is a cold place to meet people.
People don’t know each other.
No, because I need a lot of time to know a person.

what /wɒt/
which /wɪtʃ/
when /wen/
why /waɪ/
where /weə(r)/
who /huː/
how /haʊ/ 

favourite BrE, favorite AmE /ˈfeɪvərət/ UK  US  adjetivo & sustantivo
 •  adjetivo
preferido -a, favorito -a

Where do you work?
Where do you read?
Where do you study?
Where do you play?
What sports do you like / play / watch / do?
What magazines do you read / like / have?
What TV programmes do you like/watch?
What languages do you speak / study / like / read?
What car do you have / like?
What kind of music do you like / have /play?
What kind of films do you watch / like /have?
What kind of food do you like /have?
Who is your favourite singer / actor?
What is your favourite TV programme / restaurant?

Why are they a good match?
They are a good match because...

unemployed /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ UK  US  adjetivo
en el paro, desempleado -a
She's been unemployed for six months.
Hace seis meses que está en el paro.

adˌministrative asˈsistant sustantivo
auxiliar administrativo -a

clerk /klɑːk, AmE klɜːrk/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 oficinista, empleado -a

alcohol /ˈælkəhɒl/ UK  US  sustantivo

live /lɪv/
life /laɪf/

me too (yo tb) ≠ me neither (yo tampoco)

No, I think the Internet isn’t a goo place to meet a partner beause people tell lies.
It’s very easy not to tell the truth,e. g. An old men can say he is a young girl, etc. The proble is when they want to meet, you expect a teenager and you find a dirty old man. I prefer looking for friends in another place (somewhere else).
People tell a lot of lies.
It’s an insecure place where people lie.
It’s difficult to find someone like you.
Facebook isn’t a good place because your friends don’t tell the truth.

How much does it cost?
How much is it?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ni2 27-11-12

A bit too shy...
If all of us are to talk…
User-friendly and versatile...
bore, scare, etc., the pants off  Informal to bore, scare, etc., extremely

Prove yourself/prove something (to somebody)
to show how good you are at doing something:
When I first started this job, I felt I had to prove myself.

plumber /ˈplʌmə/
vocational training

surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒən/ UK  US  sustantivo
cirujano -a

sergeant /ˈsɑːdʒənt/ UK  US  sustantivo

rewarding /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ UK  US  adjetivo

insecure /ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə/ UK  US  adjetivo
inseguro -a

creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ UK  US  adjetivo
creativo -a

physically /ˈfɪzɪkli/ UK  US  adverbio
1 físicamente
2 physically impossible materialmente imposible

varied /ˈveərid/ UK  US  adjetivo
 variado -a

Monday, November 26, 2012

nb1 26/7-11-12

lasagne BrE, lasagna AmE /ləˈzænjə/ sustantivo

qualification /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʆən/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 título, formación académica
 ▶ El término  qualification  tiene una aplicación muy amplia e incluye desde los exámenes que se hacen en la enseñanza secundaria hasta un doctorado

skirt /skɜːt/ UK  US  sustantivo  falda

shirt /ʆɜːt/ UK  US  sustantivo camisa

top /tɒp/
She was wearing a sleeveless beige top.
Llevaba puesto un top beige sin mangas.
Your tracksuit top/your bikini top
la parte de arriba de tu chándal/la parte de arriba de tu biquini

A dark / light blue sweater.

comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbəl/ UK  US  adjetivo
1  cómodo -a

steward /ˈstjuːəd/ UK  US  sustantivo
auxiliar de vuelo [hombre]
 ▶ Actualmente se prefiere el término flight attendant, que se usa tanto para hombres como para mujeres

stewardess /ˈstjuːədes/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -sses)
 ▶ Actualmente se prefiere el término flight attendant, que se usa tanto para hombres como para mujeres

footballer /ˈfʊtbɔːlə/ UK  US  sustantivo BrE

soccer /ˈsɒkə/ UK  US  sustantivo

foreign /ˈfɒrɪn/ UK  US  adjetivo
1  extranjero -a
foreign languages
idiomas extranjeros

uniform /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/ UK  US  sustantivo
in uniform- de uniforme

My dad drives a Ferrari.
Does he drive fast?
Does your dad drive fast?

Against (≠for) /əˈgenst/ UK  US  preposición
1 (expresando oposición) en contra de, contra
He voted against the motion.
Votó en contra de la moción.
I’m against violence.
Estoy en contra de la violencia.
Everybody likes football(aunque significa todo el mundo el verbo que lo acompaña va en 3ª persona singular.)

I get up at 7:30. I have a shower and I get dressed / I put on my clothes.

It’s cold, put on a coat.

think /θɪŋk/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo (pasado & participio thought)
1  [transitivo] pensar, creer

She thinks I'm crazy.

Cree que estoy loca.

I didn't think anyone would believe me.

Pensé que nadie me creería.

what do you think of…? ¿qué te/le parece…?

2  [intransitivo] (reflexionar) pensar, pensárselo
Think carefully before you decide.
Piénsatelo bien antes de tomar una decisión.
to think about/of sth pensar en algo
Are you thinking about that girl?
¿Estas pensando en esa chica?

highlighted /ˈhaɪlaɪtɪd/
marcado con rotulador

underlined /ˌʌndəˈlaɪnd/ 1  subrayado

worry /ˈwʌri/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo (-rries, -rried)
1 to worry (about sth/sb) preocuparse (por algo/alguien)

The 's-genitive.
You add an 's to the noun that someone/something belongs to. Don't forget the apostrophe ' :
  • Anna's room: the room that belongs to Anna
  • her mother's bedroom: the bedroom that her mother sleeps in
  • the dog's coat: the coat that the dog has
  • the boy's bike: the bike that belongs to the boy
  • the woman's shoe: the shoe that belongs to the woman
When the noun ends with the letter s, you do not need to add another 's. Only add an apostrophe:
  • Andreas' room NOT: Andreas's room
  • Thomas' bike NOT: Thomas's bike
In addition, if the noun is in the plural form and ends with the letter s, do not add another 's. Only add an apostrophe:
  • the boys' shirts: the shirts that belong to more than one boy
  • the girls' hats: the hats that belong to more than one girl
  • the schools' principals: the principals of many schools
Compare: the girl's hats: the hats that belong to one girl the girls' hats; the hats that belong to more than one girl

Thursday, November 22, 2012

ni2 22-11-12

Homework: p.34 (grammar, questions and answers and adjectives) + p.35 (vocabulary).

accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʆən/, también accommodations /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʆənz/ AmE UK  US  sustantivo
1 (en un hotel, etc.) alojamiento
2 (más permanente) vivienda(s)
rented accommodation
viviendas de alquiler

response /rɪˈspɒns/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 reacción, respuesta
in response to en respuesta a
2 respuesta [a una pregunta]

loss /lɒs/ UK  US  sustantivo &  sustantivo plural
 •  sustantivo (plural -sses)
1 pérdida
2 to make a loss sufrir pérdidas, perder
to sell sth at a loss vender algo perdiendo dinero
3 to be at a loss no saber qué hacer/decir

heat /hiːt/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 calor
2 temperatura
3 eliminatoria

 •  verbo
1  (también heat up) [transitivo] calentar [intransitivo] calentarse
2  [transitivo] calentar

entitlement /ɪnˈtaɪtlmənt/ UK  US  sustantivo
derecho [a hacer algo]

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

nb1 21/22-11-12

Homework: p.128-129 grammarbank 3B (a + b) and p.23 exercise 6, reading.

machine /məˈʆiːn/ UK  US  sustantivo

chef /ʆef/ UK  US  sustantivo
 (fijaos en nla pronunciación de la ch en las palabras de arriba y la de abajo (más habitual)
chemistkemɪst/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 químico -a
2  BrE farmacéutico -a
chemist's (shop) farmacia

butcher /ˈbʊtʆə/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 carnicero -a
2 butcher's BrE , butcher shop AmE carnicería

baker /ˈbeɪkə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 panadero -a
2 baker's BrE panadería

Spelling rules for adding s in the third person singular

Some verbs change their spelling when s is added in the third person singular.
a. Verbs ending in y
When a verb ends in y immediately preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to ie before the ending s is added.
Bare Infinitive
Third Person Singular
When a verb ends in y immediately preceded by a vowel, the y is not changed before the ending s is added.
Bare Infinitive
Third Person Singular
b. Verbs ending in o
When a verb ends in o, the letter e is added before the s ending.
For example:
Bare Infinitive
Third Person Singular
c. Verbs ending in ch, s, sh, x or z
When a verb ends in chsshx or z, the letter e is added before the s ending. For example:
Bare Infinitive
Third Person Singular


Mula (My town) (a):

Mula is a good place to practise sport. In Mula there are a lot of paths to go for a walk and it’s a beautiful place for a visit.
Spanish banks aren’t great. We always pay for everything and ATMs (cash machines) charge you money.
Drivers in Mula are sometimes impolite and impatient. Mula doesn’t have a lot of traffic and sometimes people drive fast.
Mula has five chemists. The biggest one is in Juan Villega street and the smallest is in Boticas street. Two chemists open twenty-four hours a day and some of them open at weekends.
ID cards.
Mula is different from Britain. We need IDs for everything. When we buy a drink, go to a club or use a credit card, but not to take a bus or intercity train.
Mula isn’t a good place in the summer because it’s very hot. In the evening people go to ice-cream parlours.
Starbucks (coffee shops).
Mula doesn’t have Starbucks, but it has many bars and cafés. In cafés people speak and drink coffee. At night you can dance and have a drink with your friends.

Mula (My town) b:

Mula is a good place for cyclists, my town is a good place to walk because it’s very quiet and its surroundings are very nice.
Banks in my town are very bad because they trick people and they are very expensive because people pay for everything. If you want to change banks it’s very difficult.
In mula drivers go very fast and pedestrians are patient because cars park on the pavement.
Chemists in Mula don’t sell everything, they only sell medicine and baby food. Chemists always open 24 hours a day. Here there are a lot of chemists.
ID cards.
Here in Mula we need ID cards for everything. It’s different from Britain. We need ID cads to buy drinks and to pay with credits cards. We need ID cards to go to the disco.
We hate summer in Mula, because it’s dry and very hot. Mula doesn’t have a beach. People go to the swimming-pool and the country to avoid the heavy heat.
Starbucks (coffee shops).
In Mula there are a lot of cafés. People go there every day for breakfast and to drink a coffee after lunch, at the weekends people go to cafés for a beer. In the summer and spring people sit on a table in the street.

Mula (My town) (c):

The city isn’t a good place for cyclists but some areas are only for them, for example, the green way. It’s dangerous for pedestrian because drivers don’t stop at zebra crossings.
Banks in Mula, and in general Spanish banks, are bad because you pay almost for everything, but you don’t pay when you take money out of an ATM. You can ask for a mortgage but you need a payroll and if you want to change banks, they don’t do all the work.
Drivers in Mula are fine. They are patient and polite, but all the drivers aren’t friendly. Some of them aren’t polite and they hoot and shout at the pedestrians.
Chemists in Mula are fantastic shops. They are usually smaller than in the city centre. The shops assistants are friendly and nice. Chemists have a lot of medicine.
ID cards.
Mula is a city in Spain, here people have ID cards. In Murcia you need your ID when you buy a drink, go to a club, etc. But not to take a train. It’s compulsory for children over 14 years old.
The summer in Mula is very, very hot. At night is very difficult to sleep. The day is very long, hot and dry. People go to the beach or to a country house. The local swimming-pool is crowded in summer because there isn’t an alternative. In our opinion, Mula isn’t a good city to live in the summer.
Starbucks (coffee shops).
Cooffee shops in Mula open from 7 am to 3 am. In the morning people have breakfast there. In the afternoon people have a coffee with friends so later and night you can dance and have a drink. It’s great fun.

medicine /ˈmedəsən/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 medicina, medicamento
2 medicina [campo de estudio]

heladería sustantivo
ice-cream parlour (BrE), ice-cream parlor (AmE)
Ice cream/funeral/tattoo parlour
a shop or type of business that provides a particular service