Tuesday, May 28, 2013

ni2 28/5/13

swap, también swop /swɒp/ UK  US  verbo (-pped, -pping)
to swap sth (with sb) intercambiar algo (con alguien)
I swapped hats with Natasha.
Natasha y yo nos hemos intercambiado los sombreros.
to swap sth for sth cambiar algo por algo
to swap places (with sb) cambiar de sitio (con alguien)
Will you swap places so I can sit with Mick?
¿Cambiamos de sitio para que me pueda sentar con Mick?
to swap sth around (informal) cambiar algo de sitio

simultaneous /ˌsɪməlˈteɪniəs/ UK  US  adjetivo
simultáneo -a

luxury /ˈlʌkʆəri/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -ries)
a luxury hotel/apartment etc un hotel/un apartamento etc de lujo

bonus /ˈbəʊnəs/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural bonuses)
1 bonificación, extra

2 ventaja

fabulous /ˈfæbjʊləs/ UK  US  adjetivo
fabuloso -a, fantástico -a

grove /grəʊv/ UK  US  sustantivo
bosquecillo, arboleda
an olive grove
un olivar

1 full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive[= lively]:
Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.
She was sixteen, young and vibrant.

renowned /rɪˈnaʊnd/ UK  US  adjetivo
renombrado -a, célebre
to be renowned for/as sth ser célebre por algo

hence /hens/ UK  US  adverbio
 (formal) de ahí
No sugar has been added, hence the sour taste.
No se le ha añadido azúcar, de ahí su sabor agrio.

gear up 
phrasal verb
to prepare for something
gear up for
The organization is gearing up for a convention in May.

observatory /əbˈzɜːvətəri/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -ries)

museum /mjuːˈziːəm/ UK  US  sustantivo

people carrier  (BrE), mini-van  (AmE)
monovolumen  sustantivo

bunk /bʌŋk/ UK  US  sustantivo
1  (también bunk bed) (en una habitación) litera
2 (en un barco) litera

rowdy /ˈraʊdi/ UK  US  adjetivo (-dier, -diest)
1  escandaloso -a, pendenciero -a [persona]
2  tumultuoso -a, agitado -a [reunión]

How far is it to...?
It’s a 20-minute drive to the airport.
Fully equipped

granizo sustantivo
It hailed.
Cayó granizo.

Monday, May 27, 2013

nb1 27-28/5/13

I’m unemployed
I’m retired
I go to school / I’m at school. It’s an old school.
He studies at Murcia University.
The school where I studied...
I like reading Jules Verne’s novels.

coach /kəʊtʆ/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo (plural -ches)
1 entrenador -a
2  BrE autocar
by coach en autocar
3  BrE vagón
4 coche de caballos, carruaje
 •  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo] (3ª persona singular del presente -ches)
1 entrenar
2  [transitivo] darle clases particulares a [intransitivo] dar clases particulares

ˈtaxi ˌrank, también taxi stand BrE UK  US  sustantivo
parada de taxis

cab /kæb/ UK  US  sustantivo

lounge /laʊndʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 sala [en un hotel, aeropuerto, etc.]

platform /ˈplætfɔːm/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (en una estación de trenes) andén

the tube BrE el metro

underground1 /ˈʌndəgraʊnd/ UK  US  
the underground
 (a)  BrE el metro

subway /ˈsʌbweɪ/ UK  US  sustantivo
AmE metro
 ▶ En inglés británico se usa  underground o  tube

ˈbus stop UK  US  sustantivo
parada (de autobús)

ˌdouble-ˈdecker, también double-decker bus UK  US  sustantivo
autobús de dos pisos

madam /ˈmædəm/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (al dirigirse a una mujer) señora
2 (en una carta) señora
Dear Madam
Estimada señora

receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ UK  US  sustantivo &  sustantivo plural
 •  sustantivo
1 receipt (for sth) recibo (de algo)
Can I have a receipt, please?
¿Me da un recibo, por favor?

He is going to work in New York.

Wonderful world

Don't know much about _____
Don't know much _____
Don't know much about a _____ book
Don't know much about the _____ I took
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be
Don't know much about _____
Don't know much _____
Don't know much about algebra
Don't know what a slide rule is for
But I do know, one and one is two
And if this world could be with you
What a wonderful world this would be
Now I don't claim to be an 'A student'
But I'm trying to be
For maybe by being an 'A student', baby
I can win your love for me
Don't know much about _____
Don't know much _____
Don't know much about a _____ book
Don't know much about the _____ I took
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be
La ta ta ta ta ta ta ah
(History)Hmm mmm mmm
(Biology)La ta ta ta ta ta ah
(Science book)Hmm mmm mmm, yeah
(French I took)
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be
Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
çWhat a wonderful world this would be
Don't know much about geography
Don't know much trigonometry
Don't know much about algebra
Don't know what a slide rule is for
But I do know, one and one is two
And if this world could be with you
What a wonderful world this would be
Now I don't claim to be an 'A student'
But I'm trying to be
For maybe by being an 'A student', babyI can win your love for me
Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be
La ta ta ta ta ta ta ah
(History)Hmm mmm mmm
(Biology)La ta ta ta ta ta ah
(Science book)Hmm mmm mmm, yeah
(French I took)
But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be

Thursday, May 23, 2013

ni2 23/5/13

memorabilia /ˌmemərəˈbɪliə/ UK  US  sustantivo plural
piezas/objetos de colección

industrial /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ UK  US  adjetivo
1 industrial

2 industrial action BrE movilizaciones

3  industrial estate BrE polígono industrial

craftsman /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -men)
artesano -a

row1 /rəʊ/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 hilera, fila
in a row/in rows en hilera(s), en fila(s)

2 three/four etc times in a row tres/cuatro etc veces seguidas

  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo]

She  rowed across  the lake.

Cruzó el lago a remo.

consecutive /kənˈsekjʊtɪv/ UK  US  adjetivo
seguido -a, consecutivo -a

feast /fiːst/ UK  US  sustantivo
banquete, festín

banquet /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo

bandit /ˈbændɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo
bandido -a

guerrilla /gəˈrɪlə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 guerrillero -a

2  guerrilla warfare guerra de guerrillas

barefoot /ˈbeəfʊt/ UK  US  adjetivo & adverbio
descalzo -a

achievement /əˈtʆiːvmənt/ UK  US  sustantivo

disapprove /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv/ UK  US  verbo
to disapprove of sth/sb considerar que algo no está bien, o que alguien no actúa o piensa, etc. como corresponde

I disapprove of him going out every night.

No me parece bien que salga todas las noches.

My parents disapprove of my boyfriend.

A mis padres no les gusta mi novio.

disapprove /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv/ UK  US  verbo
to disapprove of sth/sb considerar que algo no está bien, o que alguien no actúa o piensa, etc. como corresponde

I disapprove of him going out every night.

No me parece bien que salga todas las noches.

My parents disapprove of my boyfriend.

A mis padres no les gusta mi novio.

downside /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ UK  US  sustantivo
inconveniente, desventaja

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

nb1 22-23/5/13

Homework: Ex. 3, p. 89 and grammarbank 11C p. 144 + ex 2 p 90 (vocabulary).

People in Murcia:
People dress fashionably and elegantly  for special occasions.
People treat tourits very well, we are friendly and polite.
People drive very fast and dangerously and they speak on the phone.
People  normally eat at home at lunchtime during the week but it depends on the job and the season.
People don’t speak foreign languages very well but they try and we are communicative.
People usually are very noisy when they watch a football match, they go crazy when their team plays and wins.
People decorate their houses with plants and the decoration is a little ornate sometimes. Perhaps we aren’t very good at decoration.
People in Europe:
People are more serious, colder and less communicative than in Spain but Mediterranean people are similar.
Mediterranean food is normally better and healthier.
Italian and Greek drivers are the worst.
The houses in the north and in the south are different. In the north houses are bigger. In the south people usually live in flats but not always.
The weather is worse than in Spain. It’s colder and rainier.

attachment /əˈtætʆmənt/ UK  US  sustantivo
 (archivo) adjunto [en informática]

download /daʊnˈləʊd/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
bajar, descargar [de Internet]

log /lɒg/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 log on phrasal verb, también log in
 (en informática) entrar en el sistema, iniciar una sesión
log off phrasal verb, también log out
 (en informática) salir del sistema, finalizar una sesión

ˌsocial ˈnetworking ˌsite, también ˌsocial ˈnetworking ˌwebsite sustantivo
sitio de redes sociales

Los adverbios dan información sobre el verbo:
- She walks slowly / fast
y añaden información sobre un adjetivo:
- He is very friendly (este es un adjetivo que la gente suele confundir con 1 adverbio).
u otro adverbio:
- She sings really beautifully.

Los adjetivos aportan información extra sobre un nombre:

She is an intelligent woman.
This car is incredible.
I like yellow t-shirts.

My friend plays football very (adv) well (adv). He is really (adv) good (adj).

People in Murcia:
People dress with their best clothes for special occasions.
People treat tourists very well and politely. But sometimes shops are more expensive for tourists than for locals J.
People drive very fast and we are angry when we drive.
Some people eat healthily, Mediterranian food, but some people eat a lot.
People speak foreign languages not very badly but our president speaks English very badly.
People are very competitive. Some people go crazy when they watch a football match but less than in other countries.
People decorate their houses comfortably, we are very practical because we spend a lot of time out.

auction /ˈɔːkʆən/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
 •  verbo
 [transitivo] subastar

research /ˈriːsɜːtʆ, rɪˈsɜːtʆ/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
research (into/on sth) investigación (de/sobre algo)
 •  verbo [transitivo/intransitivo] (3ª persona singular del presente -ches)
to research (into) sth investigar algo

It’s more popular WITH men (más popular entre los hombres).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ni2 21/5/13

Homework: writing a review p. 134 + reading p.114 (Tb mande el report (ver unidades de writing al final del libro, pero parece ser que no lo puse en el blog. Si se os pasó, nunca es tarde si…).

exam /ɪgˈzæm/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 examen
a chemistry exam
un examen de química
to take/sit an exam presentarse a un examen, hacer un examen
He'll be taking his final exams in May.
Tendrá los exámenes finales en mayo.

wouldn't want to do something (=used to say something would not be a good idea)

deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo] (-nies, -nied)
1  negar, rechazar
to deny doing sth negar que se ha hecho algo
2  no conceder [permiso]
3  denegar [un visado]
4  negar [un derecho ]

suggest /səˈdʒest/ UK  US  verbo [transitivo]
1 sugerir

She suggested that we write to the manager.
Sugirió que escribiéramos al director.
to suggest doing sth sugerir que se haga algo
Tim suggested going together in one car.
Tim sugirió que fuéramos todos en un solo coche.
2 recomendar
3 indicar
All the evidence seems to suggest that he is guilty.
Todas las pruebas parecen indicar que es culpable.
4 insinuar   

advise /ədˈvaɪz/ UK  US  verbo
1  [transitivo/intransitivo] aconsejar
to advise sb to do sth aconsejarle/recomendarle a alguien que haga algo
to advise sb against doing sth aconsejarle a alguien que no haga algo
I wanted to buy it but he advised me against it.
Yo quería comprarlo pero él me aconsejó que no lo hiciera.
to advise against doing sth desaconsejar hacer algo
you would be well/ill advised to do sth sería/no sería aconsejable que hiciera(s) algo
2 to advise (sb) on sth asesorar (a alguien) en/sobre algo

1 [not before noun] if you are based somewhere, that is the place where you work or where your main business is:
It is a professional service based at our offices in Oxford.
London-based/New York-based etc
a London-based firm of accountants

let/blow off steam
to get rid of your anger, excitement, or energy in a way that does not harm anyone by doing something active

premiere /ˈpremieə, AmE prɪˈmɪr/ UK  US  sustantivo

stab past tense and past participle stabbed, present participle stabbing
1 [transitive] to push a knife into someone or something [↪ stabbing]:
He was stabbed to death in a fight.
stab somebody in the heart/arm etc
She had been stabbed in the chest repeatedly.

kick the bucket
old-fashioned to die - used humorously

be pushing up (the) daisies
to be dead - used humorously

1 British English if you are redundant, your employer no longer has a job for you:
Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the resulting cuts.
make a job/position etc redundant
As the economy weakens, more and more jobs will be made redundant.
2 not necessary because something else means or does the same thing:
the removal of redundant information

close down 
phrasal verb
 close something ↔ down
if a company, shop etc closes down or is closed down, it stops operating permanently:
Paramount closed down its London office in 1968.
2 British English to stop broadcasting radio or television programmes at the end of the day:
BBC 2 closes down at 12:45 tonight.

make a spectacle of yourself
to behave in an embarrassing way that is likely to make other people notice you and laugh at you

make a fool of yourself
to do something stupid that you feel embarrassed about afterwards and that makes you seem silly:
Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night. I must have been drunk.

Monday, May 20, 2013

nb1 20-21/5/13

Homework: Grammar ex. 2 p. 85 and Grammarbank p. 144, 11 A.

A fifty-pound note (aquí 50-pound funciona como adjetivo y no lleva “s”)
BUT -> 50 pounds.

I’m going to go to the optician this afternoon.

I think (that) tomorrow is going to be a nice day.
I’m going to get wet.
The floor is wet, be careful or you are going to fall.
I’m going to go on a trip next month.
I think I’m going to finish reading the book this weekend.
She’s going to go jogging / take part in a race next week.
She’s going to get maried in July.
Tonight is going to be cloudy.
I’m sure he’s going to travel to find a new job.
I’m going to eat in my parent’s house.
I’m going to have a fish for dinner tonight.

litre BrE, liter AmE /ˈliːtə/ UK  US  sustantivo

litre BrE, liter AmE /ˈliːtə/ UK  US  sustantivo