Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ni2 30/4/13

socket /ˈsɒkɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (en la pared) enchufe, toma de corriente
2 (en un aparato eléctrico) enchufe
3 (en un ordenador) enchufe, conector

file /faɪl/ UK  US  
 •  sustantivo
1 archivo, expediente
to have a file on sb tener fichado -a a alguien, tener una ficha de alguien
2 carpeta
3 (en informática) archivo

keyboard /ˈkiːbɔːd/ UK  US  sustantivo

mouse /maʊs/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural mice)
1 ratón
2 (en informática) ratón

printer /ˈprɪntə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (máquina) impresora

screen /skriːn/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 pantalla
2 cine
a play adapted for the screen
una obra adaptada para el cine

cursor /ˈkɜːsə/ UK  US  sustantivo

menu /ˈmenjuː/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (en un restaurante) carta
the most expensive dish  on the menu
el plato más caro de la carta
2 (en informática) menú

plug /plʌg/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 enchufe [de un aparato eléctrico]

plug sth in phrasal verb
 enchufar algo

scanner /ˈskænə/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 escáner
2  cualquier aparato de exploración radiográfica, como el ecógrafo, el tomógrafo, etc.
3 (en un aeropuerto) detector de metales
4 (en la caja registradora de un comercio) lector de código de barras

cable /ˈkeɪbəl/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 cable
2 (sistema de televisión) televisión por cable
We saw it last week on cable.
Lo vimos la semana pasada en la televisión por cable.

format /ˈfɔːmæt/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
formato [de un libro, un programa, etc.]
 •  verbo [transitivo] (-tted, -tting)
 formatear [un texto, un diskette]

...with a bigger screen than the previous one.

cartridge /ˈkɑːtrɪdʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo

virus /ˈvaɪərəs/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -ses)
1 (mircoorganismo) virus

2 (en informática) virus

...without me knowing.

major /ˈmeɪdʒə/ UK  US  adjetivo, sustantivo & verbo
1  muy importante
It played a major part in their success.
Tuvo un papel muy importante en su éxito.
It's not a major problem.
No es un problema grave.
2 principal
Europe's major cities
las principales ciudades de Europa
3 (en música) mayor
 •  sustantivo
(en el ejército) comandante
 major in sth phrasal verb
 en EE UU, estudiar una asignatura como especialidad dentro de un curso universitario
He majored in biology.
Durante la carrera, se especializó en Biología.

fairly /ˈfeəli/ UK  US  adverbio
1 bastante
The house has a fairly large garden.
La casa tiene un jardín bastante grande.
2 con justicia

otherwise /ˈʌðəwaɪz/ UK  US  adverbio & conjunción
 •  adverbio
1 aparte de eso, por lo demás
The dress is a little long, but otherwise it fits all right.
El vestido es un poco largo, pero aparte de eso le queda bien.
2 to think otherwise pensar de otro modo
3 to do/decide etc otherwise hacer/decidir etc otra cosa
 •  conjunción
si no

men like technology better.
User friendly.

conscience /ˈkɒnʆəns/ UK  US  sustantivo
I can go out tonight  with a clear conscience.
Esta noche puedo salir con la conciencia tranquila.
She  had a guilty conscience about  leaving him on his own.
Se sentía culpable por dejarle solo./Le remordía la conciencia por dejarle solo.
to have sth on your conscience tener (un) cargo de conciencia por algo

beauty salon also beauty shop American English [countable]
a place where you can receive treatments for your skin, hair, nails etc to make you look more attractive.

Every other year.

Monday, April 29, 2013

nb1 29-30/4/13

Homework: Grammarbank 9B p. 141 (a + b) + p.71 ex 5, reading.

taste /teɪst/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 sabor
The taste is too strong.
1 saber
It tastes delicious.
2  probar
Let’s taste your dishes.

tasty /ˈteɪsti/ UK  US  adjetivo (-tier, -tiest)
 sabroso -a

lovely /ˈlʌvli/ UK  US  adjetivo (-lier, -liest)
1  bonito -a, precioso -a
2 (muy agradable)
It was lovely to see you again.
Me encantó volver a verte.
Have a lovely time!
¡Que lo pases muy bien!
3 delicioso -a

chocolate /ˈtʆɒklət/ UK  US  sustantivo &  adjetivo
1 chocolate
a bar of chocolate
una tableta de chocolate
a chocolate cake/biscuit etc un pastel/una galleta etc de chocolate
2 bombón
a box of chocolates
una caja de bombones
3 (bebida) chocolate

Would you like some biscuits?
SOME en preguntas se usa para ofrecer (o pedir) algo.
Do you have any onions?
ANY en preguntas se usa para verificar si hay algo.

can [countable]
1 a metal container in which food or drink is preserved without air:
a Coke can
1  [countable]     British English   also tin can  a small metal container in which food or drink is sold [= can American English]
a sardine tin

A bottle of milk
A packet of biscuits
A box of chocolates
A carton of orange juice
A can of coke
A jar of jam
A tin of peas

teaspoon /ˈtiːspuːn/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 cucharilla
2  (también teaspoonful) cucharadita

I eat a lot of apples (affirmative)
I don’t eat any apples (negative)
I don’t eat many apples (negative)
How many apples do you eat? (questions)
Do you eat many / any / a few apples? (questions)
I eat a lot of  bread (affirmative)
I don’t eat any bread (negative)
I don’t eat much bread (negative)
How much bread do you eat? (questions)
Do you eat much / any / a little bread? (questions)

A lot of / a lot

I eat a lot of sugar.
I read a lot of comics.
I travel to a lot of countries.
I see a lot of films.
I talk to a lot of people.
(aparece el nombre/objeto/persona… que se ve afectado por la cantidad)

I eat a lot.
I read a lot.
I travel a lot.
I see a lot .
I talk a lot.
(hablamos solo de la acción)

fish plural fish    or fishes
1 [countable] an animal that lives in water, and uses its  fins    and tail to swim:
Ronny caught    three huge   fish_  this afternoon.
freshwater/saltwater/tropical fish
2 [uncountable]  the flesh of a fish used as food [↪ seafood]:
Peter usually drinks white wine with  (some) fish.

fruit salad:macedonia, también macedonia de frutas sustantivo

Woud you like some fruit? (ofreces)
Can I have some fruit?(pides)
Do we have any fruit? (preguntas si hay)

bechamel sustantivo
white sauce

snail /sneɪl/ UK  US  sustantivo

canelones sustantivo plural

cooked in a wood oven.
Tomato sauce.

olla sustantivo

olla a presión u, olla exprés pressure cooker

perejil sustantivo

laurel sustantivo
1 (en cocina) bay leaves [plural]

one of my favourite dishes is…


minced meat: cartne picada

seafood /ˈsiːfud/ UK  US  sustantivo

Thursday, April 25, 2013

ni2 25/4/13

Homework: grammarbank p. 152 (should have).

Be about to: estar a punto de...
fill up 
phrasal verb
1 if a container or place fills up, or if you fill it up, it becomes full
fill something ↔ up
Shall I fill the car up (=with petrol)?
They wanted me to pay for a new ticked.

 make a fuss/kick up a fuss (about something)
to complain or become angry about something, especially when this is not necessary:
Josie kicked up a fuss because the soup was too salty.
I don't know why you're making such a fuss about it.

We wouldn’t have got lost if the organisers had given us better directions.

We wouldn’t have got lost if we had been
given better directions by the organisers.

My dad had told me the truth.
I had been told the truth (and even though, I went wrong).

Would’ve called....had had
Would’ve come...had known
Hadn’t left...wouldn’t have tripped
Had paid..wouldn’t have crashed
would have caught...wouldn’t be

geek [countable]
informal someone who is not popular because they wear unfashionable clothes, do not know how to behave in social situations, or do strange things [= nerd]:
a computer geek
able to use a computer:
Nowadays, all graduates are computer-literate.
easy to use, understand, or operate:
a user-friendly guide to computing

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

nb1 24-25/4/13

Homework: grammarbank 9A, p.141 + ex. 1 p. 70, vocabulary.

breast /brest/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (de una mujer) pecho
2 (de un ave) pecho
3 (como alimento) pechuga
a chicken breast
una pechuga de pollo
4  breast cancer cáncer de mama

sweetcorn /ˈswiːtkɔːn/ UK  US  sustantivo

mushroom /ˈmʌʆruːm/ UK  US  sustantivo
seta, champiñón

corn /kɔːn/ UK  US  sustantivo
1  BrE (cultivo) cereal
 ▶ El sinónimo cereal se usa tanto en inglés británico como en inglés americano
2  AmE maíz
corn on the cob mazorca (de maíz)

popcorn /ˈpɒpkɔːn/ UK  US  sustantivo
palomitas (de maíz)

diet /ˈdaɪət/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
1 dieta
They live on a diet of fruit and insects.
Se alimentan de frutos e insectos.
2 régimen, dieta
to be/go on a diet estar/ponerse a régimen
  verbo [intransitivo]
hacer régimen/dieta

sushi /ˈsuːʆi/ sustantivo

1 [uncountable and countable] a breakfast food made from grain and usually eaten with milk:
a bowl of breakfast cereal

fruit plural fruit or fruits
1 [uncountable and countable]
Try to eat a lot of (mucha) fresh fruit.
    I ate some fruit_
fruit_ and vegetables
A glass of fruit juice(aquí funciona como adjetivo y nunca lleva s de plural)

1 [uncountable] bread that has been heated so that it is brown on both sides and no longer soft:
I had a piece of toast for breakfast.
   I had coffee and (some) toast.
a)         [uncountable and countable]
Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
Do you take milk and sugar in your tea?
I'd like two teas (2 cups of tea) and a piece of chocolate cake, please.

vegetarian /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ UK  US  sustantivo & adjetivo
vegetariano -a

takeaway /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ BrE, takeout /ˈteɪk-aʊt/ AmE UK  US  sustantivo

Puede significar comida para llevar:

 We always have a takeaway on Friday.
 Los viernes siempre compramos comida para llevar.

También se llama  takeaway al comercio que vende comida para llevar. Son muy típicos los locales que venden comida china.  A takeaway pizza/Chinese takeaway es una pizza/comida china comprada en uno de estos establecimientos.

plate /pleɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 plato, ración

dish /dɪʆ/ UK  US  sustantivo, sustantivo plural
 •  sustantivo (plural dishes)
plato [comida]
a seafood dish
un plato que contiene marisco
 • the dishes sustantivo plural
los platos
to do/wash the dishes lavar los platos

porridge /ˈpɒrɪdʒ/ UK  US  sustantivo
gachas de avena

bowl /bəʊl/ UK  US  sustantivo, sustantivo plural & verbo
 •  sustantivo
1 (recipiente) cuenco, bol
2  (también bowlful) (contenido) cuenco, bol
a bowl of rice/soup
un tazón de arroz/sopa
3 (grande, de plástico) palangana
 • bowls sustantivo plural BrE
(deporte) bolos
to play bowls jugar a los bolos/a las bochas

sauce /sɔːs/ UK  US  sustantivo

grill /grɪl/ UK  US  verbo & sustantivo
 •  verbo
1  [transitivo] hacer a la parrilla/a la brasa

1 [uncountable]
class=pronsentence title="Look up a word starting with D or S for samples of headword or sentence pronunciations on the LDOCE CD-ROM" v:shapes="_x0000_i1033">a bottle/glass of milk
Would you like some milk_ in your tea?

cream /kriːm/ UK  US  sustantivo &  adjetivo
 •  sustantivo
1 nata
2 (en cosmética, farmacia) crema

sherry /ˈʆeri/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural -rries)

desert /ˈdezət/ UK  US  sustantivo

dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/ UK  US  sustantivo
What's for dessert?
¿Qué hay de postre?

pudding /ˈpʊdɪŋ/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 crema, natillas [postre]
2 pudin
3  BrE postre

rice [uncountable]
a sauce with rice or pasta
a plate of brown rice
boiled rice
some grains of rice

wine [uncountable and countable]
1 an alcoholic drink made from grapes, or a type of this drink:
a glass of wine
a delicious Californian wine
red/white wine
a bottle of red wine
dry/sweet/sparkling wine
a dry white wine
ro‧sé [uncountable and countable]
pink wine

butter /ˈbʌtə/ UK  US  sustantivo
a slice of bread and butter
una rebanada de pan con mantequilla

Countable (C)
There’s an apple
There are 4 apples
There are some apples (Número indeterminado que puedes contar pero optas por no hacerlo)
Uncountable (U)
There some milk. (Cantidad indeterminada, el nombre suele ir en singular)
There a/2 milks

mug /mʌg/ UK  US  sustantivo & verbo
 •  sustantivo
taza de desayuno

omelette, también omelet AmE /ˈɒmlət/ UK  US  sustantivo

carbohydrate /ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/ UK  US  sustantivo
hidrato de carbono, carbohidrato

tuna /ˈtjuːnə/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural tuna)
 (también tuna fish) atún

tuna /ˈtjuːnə/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural tuna)
 (también tuna fish) atún

tuna /ˈtjuːnə/ UK  US  sustantivo (plural tuna)
 (también tuna fish) atún
Chicken breast
 [uncountable] meat that comes from the front part of the body of a bird such as a chicken:
turkey breast

For breakfast I had some toast with butter and fruit jam.
For lunch I had...
My 1st course is always a salad.
2nd course was...
For dessert I have fruit.
I only had a white coffee.
It gives me energy to go to work.
For starter
 And fried eggs
I always have...

ˈcookery book UK  US  sustantivo BrE
libro de cocina

recipe /ˈresəpi/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 recipe (for sth) receta (de algo)
Can you give me the recipe for this cake?
¿Me puedes dar la receta de este pastel?

cooking /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ UK  US  sustantivo
1 (acción de cocinar)
I hate cooking.
Odio cocinar.
Who does the cooking?
¿Quién cocina?
2 comida, cocina
I love Italian cooking.
Me encanta la comida italiana.

cookery /ˈkʊkəri/ UK  US  sustantivo
cocina [arte de cocinar]